These were from some past notes when auditing for a LHW property, where I had to assess its team of butlers during several visits. Below are some specific gestures:
Service Bank Withdrawals:
Prior to arrival, all villa guests had to fill in a Preference Form and they had indicated to have Coke Zero in their mini bar. However, this was not done and there was no communication about it (e.g. its non availability, an alternative, etc.) throughout the stay.
Butler appeared rather aloof on first day when delivering breakfast.
Guest asked if there was a sewing kit in the room, but was only informed there was none, without offering any further assistance.
Guest showed much interest in the enjoying the In-Villa dining, but there was no offer to help with the order.
When guest asked where the temperature control was, the butler gestured to the side wall where the control panel was, but did not offer to adjust it or show further care in this instance.
Luggage was not placed in the right position (i.e. such that the guest had to turn it around to open up the bag)
Guests had requested assistance to change her return flight in the morning. In the evening upon their return, the butler met with them but did not provide any updates on the status of change. (He was still awaiting confirmation from other parties)
A tube of superglue was requested and delivered promptly. However, there was no assistance to help fix/mend the necessary.
Butler was not aware that an earlier request to Reception had been made regarding the room bill and a carton box for packing.
While awaiting to print guest's requested document, the butler stood there reading the sheet in plain sight.
When delivering the food, butler simply left the dishes by the side of the table without knowing/asking who was having which dish.
Butler used the villa's phone without asking for guest's permission when guest asked if she could add on an order of white rice. (Butler seemed a tad reluctant too...)
Service Bank Deposits:
Butler calling the room on a rainy day around 7pm to ask about our dinner plans and offered assistance for in-villa dining or booking of nearby restaurants.
Butler offered to sweep up the leaves (before regular Housekeeping service) in the patio "so that the breakfast view from the villa is much nicer".
Guests were offered a local mobile phone for use (when they asked to rent a scooter to explore the area)
Butler showed knowledge of guest's preference for specific crackers (as the resort offered choice of prawn, mushroom and mixed vegetables), demonstrating good communication with the hotel restaurant.
Butler delivered the carton box for packing and offered to pack. He also brought along bubble wrap for any fragile items.
Butler came by in the late afternoon to ask if guests had any wet garments to be sent for drying (complimentary) since they were checking out early morning the next day.
Service Bank: How much would you allocate to each withdrawal and deposit point listed above?
Reflective thoughts: What category of behavioural standards do the Withdrawals fall under? Which of these have occurred or could occur in your hotel? What can be done to prevent or minimise these from happening (again)?