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Tokyo Hands: A Thoughtful Gesture

The Storyteller

I asked the shop assistant, who was sorting out some stock, if they sold ankle stockings. My feet were hurting from the abrasion with the shoes I had on.

The lady said she didn't think the shop carried any, but walked over to another section to double-check regardless. She confirmed that they didn’t sell the enquired item and apologised for it. I was about to thank her for checking when she promptly offered, “Let me get you a plaster” and went off to the back room, returning with one.

She could have just shrugged helplessly and do nothing further to assist. After all, I did not buy anything from this shop and was technically not the customer. She could have simply returned to what she was doing before I had interrupted her task. However, she chose to do otherwise and continued to find a way to help. Such kind consideration is hard to come by these days, and is certainly most appreciated.

Thank you, Ms. May, for the gesture of kindness 😊👏👍.

Service Bank: 💖💖💖

Reflective thoughts: In your organization or team, how is genuine care and interest demonstrated, beyond the script? What about yourself - when was the last time you showed it to a random stranger?

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